Wednesday, February 13, 2013

around me

I was just telling Ariel that Rylee scored very high in all categories on his screening test for gifted classes at his school and that I was talking to Jackson about all of the jobs opening up in cyber defense, which led him to talking about coding (it's all code, he said) and open ports. Ariel was sitting in the air conditioning in the Dubai airport on her way home. It was the middle of night for her. Kuala Lumpur sounded good to me. She was there for the Chinese New Year and all the food sounded so yummy. She was glad to be going home.

It's been a quiet time at home. The weather has been cold, so the boys haven't been getting out. Ry finished The Hobbit. Jack's still hooked on his Minecraft. Maybe I've said this before but I want to be sure to write it down. One of my favorite moments is going to bed at night. Ry stays up with me but at about 9:30 he's ready to sleep. We go downstairs for a snack and something to drink, usually a half glass of milk, for Ry. Then when we get in bed, Ry says, can you put your arm around me? He nestles beside me. It's a sweet moment. In less than a minute, he is fast asleep.

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