Sunday, June 10, 2012

mid June

While we were gone, the grass died a bit. It's been in the 90s, no rain, 3 percent humidity. There are some fires in the state.

I posted an outline of our trip to Ariel's wedding below, and then posted some pictures from a trip Cyndi and the boys took during spring break and another post of pictures from our trip. I hope to get more pictures of the wedding from others to post.

Talked to Ariel on Friday as she and Chris were on their way to France. She sounded happy, but it was a brief conversation as they were about to get off the train to the airport.

Jackson finished his baseball tournament Saturday. He had a very good last three games. His team had a pool, potluck and trophy party Friday afternoon, just as Cyndi was getting back from Kansas City. Rylee selected The Secret Garden as a birthday gift, and he has finished two chapters already. He's anxious to play more baseball, and he and Jack and Brendon play pickle a lot together whenever they can these days.

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