Thursday, January 31, 2013

which came first

Rylee and I have been joking around with the old riddle, which came first, the chicken or the egg? He's done some research on the question and found this answer among a series of videos:

The wonder of these is that he can replay them and get more out of them.This is the link to the site, which appears to have some smart videos, which range in subject matter to some that may be beyond his age  level.

Jackson took his academy test. It rained all that morning but it was not cold. The week before, he had his interview. Normally, the interviews last from 30 to 45 minutes. The woman in the office told me they go longer when the child is talkative. Jack's went close to an hour, and the reports were that he just charmed his interviewer. He shook her hand as they left. I don't know if this is something that will really happen, but he really does belong there and it's a pretty spectacular place to see.

This weekend we sign up for spring sports. Jackson has to decide between soccer and baseball. I think he's leaning toward baseball. He told me that if he didn't do spring ball he might never play baseball again, and I guess he's not ready for that, even though he loves soccer. Ry had mentioned basketball for the spring, but looks like he'll try out for minors baseball.

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