Thursday, September 15, 2011

settling in

We aren't really settled in for the new school year but the boys love it so far. Cyndi has been overseeing their homework, spelling lists, and reading. Even Ry has some. Jack has been pretty good about keeping up with his--the teacher gives out a week's worth--and you can tell he wants to excel. Cyndi and I went to a parent's only curriculum night for Jack's class. The teacher seemed to really like Jack. He helps her with all the computer and tech stuff in the classroom. She said the other day he was helping her, telling her, "Now, there's just two steps...." I saw Jack's old friend, Hailey, who sits by him in class, and asked about Jack. They must be good pals. I peeked in his desk, crammed with books, everything very organized and neat. Cyndi said the teacher confided in her about testing Jack for the gifted program. I'm not surprised. He just seems to be flourishing now and growing up so quickly. He's particularly enjoying mathematics, scoring very high, and he prefers books about science over fiction. He's mentioned some boys at recess being pushy about sports, I think mostly football, trying to out-bluster him on the playground, but he brings a soccer ball with him to school and joins in the games, taking a certain pride when he out-maneuvers them and deflates their bluster. Ry's curriculum night comes up next week. He's mentioned a few friends he has at school. Did I mention him recognizing fractal geometry, and being able to describe it, while I was watching a Nova program a month ago? He's definitely got arithmetic and reading down already. As I mentioned last time, his big interest right now is pet adoption centers and mastering his skateboard.

Balloon Fiesta is coming soon, and State Fair is here now. It's been trying to rain lately, and some days feel like Fall. So far no plans for the State Fair. We've talked about bicycling to the Balloon Fiesta this year, and in any case, unless the weather forecasts suggest otherwise, I'd like to avoid the first morning. I'm sure the school will have its usual pre-Fiesta, Friday morning launch on the school grounds. We talked about fall camping sometime soon, but nothing is planned at the moment. Jack has a field trip coming up soon to El Rancho de las Golondrinas, which I bet he'll be very excited about, taking a bus with his classmates out of town, up La Bajada, to La Cienega, almost to Santa Fe. We've been there a few times, most recently this summer, so it will seem familiar to him, but I imagine this will be a very memorable experience for him, to see this "living" cultural and historical museum through the guidance of teachers and docents. It comes at the end of their season when Fall should be very much here.

They finally started their chess club after school. They are both in the intermediate level, and judging from the materials they brought home it's a more sophisticated program than I thought. I played with Ry last night because he was so excited. He knows the moves and sees the traps but hasn't quite figured out how to attack yet. But I saw a few things last night that made me think he'll be playing a good game soon. Meanwhile, Jack is so steady in his strategy, planning his moves, setting up trap after trap.

They are also signed up for soccer but the season hasn't really begun yet. It will be fun when it does. After a short practice season, it's just a fun weekend outing for the games. It'll be a kick to see them play. They have religious education mid-week at the sister church, too. And soon we have to make a decision about cub scouts for both of them.

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