Friday, August 7, 2009

first august clips

School begins in about 10 days: time to meet new teachers, get school supplies. We're planning our trip to Terra & Karl's wedding in California, looking into Ry's clothes as ring bearer, and wrapping a gift for mom & dad. Jackson's birthday is coming up. We're planning a weekend camping trip with Ariel before she goes to NYU. She may tour the state by bike and join us at the park. A painting project is also coming up in the boys' room, beginning this weekend. They may get a bunkbed soon, which will free up a lot of play space. Jack wants a rainbow added, probably on a wall opposite the lighthouse. "In the new home" they want what they call a "circle room", a common room to play and study. Rylee's now talking about a bicycle for Christmas and just asked me to take the training wheels off the little one we have. Jack will probably get one for his birthday. Jackson, who has a liking for arts and crafts projects, has decided to learn how to knit. We think there's Christmas possibilities.

We just made a little book about our trip. (This will be a surprise for Cyndi.) I wonder what it'll really look like when we get it next week. I wonder especially about the quality of the photographs when they're printed on the larger format. I'm skeptical about that, given our little camera. I probably need to learn more about digital picture resolution. A marvelous idea, however, with fairly decent software, and the company looks good so far and may have special, first-time deals to attract new customers. There's a link for a preview on the Kauai journal webpage.

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