Thursday, August 20, 2009


Yesterday, Jack got a bike for his birthday. Ry is riding the small one and is making his Christmas bike list. Ariel's touring northern New Mexico on her bike and will meet us tomorrow evening at a campground. Bicycles are going to the campground and we plan to take all of our bikes to California with us to ride along the bay. Ariel got the boys bike gloves, and they can't wait to ride with her this weekend.

Jack loved his birthday. He had a party at the Explora Museum (a hands on, fun, chilren's science museum), where he and his friends did polymer experiments and ran around the museum. He wanted to have a science experiment party. I think his original idea was to invite scientists to our house. Last night, his actual birth day, was a small family party, with hamburgers, brauts & hot dogs. And, of course, cake. Jack was glowing during "Happy Birthday to you."

Ry had a fall last week. Turns out it was nothing serious, but a fire engine and an ambulance were home when I got there after the call. He's pretty tough.

Last night when we all said goodnight, we all remarked it was a "school night." Today is Jack's first day of school. He's excited to go. He met his teacher the other day and tried to strike up a conversation with her. He'll be in second grade. His cousin Lauren will be in the same school this year, and maybe his cousin Nicholas, too. Ry doesn't start up until after the holiday. Ariel leaves next week.

There's lots of pics to transfer from the camera. I'm due to post some.

[Mom & Dad: my cell won't recharge & my emails to you are getting returned; will try to reach you.]

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