Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kauai: chickens

We ate some scrambled eggs.

I went for a run early again; tried a new route. Missed the morning downpour, which just arrived. It'll be gone in just a few minutes.

Cyndi has a yoga class this morning. The boys and I will likely go to the beach. Midmorning may be the nicest part of the day.

Ry is playing with his surfer car. Jack and Cyndi were playing Set when I got back from the run. Now Jack is playing Professor Layton on his DS. We just discussed how all radii of circles are the same distance, so he could answer a puzzle. On the plane, he turned on his DS and was able to chat with another kid with a DS on the plane several rows ahead. They didn't actually meet until we exited the plane.

Oh, got to tell you about the chickens. Fascinating array of birds, and wonderful to hear in the morning. See? Mira. The sun's already out again.

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