Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kauai: buggie boards

While Cyndi was at her yoga, the boys and I got Ry his Longboard Bucanneers tshirt, had another shave ice over ice cream, and went to a second spot on Hanalei Bay.

We picked up Cyndi, bought a pineapple to cut later, and went for Ono (fish, wahoo or mackeral) tacos and burritos (and quesidillas and really good lemonade) before going to another spot on Hanalei Bay Beach. The rain came and didn't seem to want to stop right away.

Oh, and here's a pic Ry took this morning.

[Update: This is a popular blog post, partly I think because I wrote "buggie boards," which is how Ry pronounced boogie boards. There's lots more about our trip. You should try this link.]

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