Thursday, November 6, 2008

just an update

Pictures are coming, I promise.

Ry is writing his name now, counting, even adding and subtracting (actually he's been doing that for a while), singing songs he learns at preschool, and even spelling words he hears Jack spell. Jack taught him to write his name. Ry likes to draw pictures of his family, individually and as a group. They have big heads, big round eyes with little pupil dots, and big smiles. The boys always include Ariel in pictures and "family hugs." Ry writes his name on his pictures. Right now Ry's into Word World, Handy Manny, spreading out all of the baseball gear, battling his transformers, wearing his costume (still), and Halloween candy (it's on a high shelf, with threats Daddy will take it away). Jack has started using the word processor on the computer. He's teaching Ry to play chess. He's reading and takes weekly spelling tests. His teacher loves him. He has a perfect record for never having been disciplined in school. (He monitors that and I'm afraid he may be devastated the first time he gets a "deduction.") Cyndi takes the boys regularly to the library. They get some DVDs and Jack always gets "science books." Right now he's reading about Halley's Comet.

Cyndi goes every morning to have breakfast with her dad at the recovery facility and goes again later in the day or evening. He looks better, seems to be in good spirits, but is still very frail and he is still unable to walk. There's some talk about moving to another facility or even home. I don't know that he will be walking by Thanksgiving.

So a new routine is starting to develop where I make breakfast for the boys and then dress them in the clothes Cyndi's already laid out. I only wish there were a routine where I get up earlier and run.

I just sent a letter to Michael. It's a little late; hope he gets it. The boys got your cards, Mom & Dad. Thanks.

Ariel called me Tuesday night to ask if I was feeling better and to congratulate me. I said it was a long time coming. Later I thought I should congratulate her. It's such a wonderful thing for her generation. When I look at her face, the faces of the boys, and the faces of all of the children born in this generation I see such beauty. I really, really like the new face of our country.

Dad sent a picture of flying his flag on Wednesday. Patriotic pride, I guess, is a good description.

I don't know where Thanksgiving will be. It'll probably be somewhere in Albuquerque. Thanks to Beth and Gary, we plan to spend a couple of nights in Santa Fe that weekend, and if the ski slopes open on Thanksgiving Day maybe we can even sneak in some skiing. A big maybe. It just turned cold yesterday. It's been very warm so far this fall.

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