Friday, November 14, 2008


This is typical of Rylee's figure drawings. This is a self portrait. He explained to me that he only could get four fingers on one of the hands. "But that's okay," he said. It's just a drawing. He's beginning to make narrative art, where he'll put lots of figures on the page, maybe add some numbers or letters, usually his name, and it'll have a story. A drawing of Mommy will include a coffee cup. Pumpkins are a big theme, and some of the pumpkins might have a scary or mad face. I recall Jackson pretty early on included buildings in his drawings. Here's a collage he did last year:

Jack's been pushing for a "DS" for him and another for Ry for Christmas all year. I thought they sounded pretty cool. A friend of his has one, and you can write and draw on the screen and send it to a nearby friend who also has a DS. I think he likes that feature, and I wonder now if I can add that feature to his laptop. I looked at the DS closer, and it's really just another portable game player. I saw the line of games. Yuck. I have to talk to Santa.

Some good mornings this week. A couple of runs and a swim workout early before Cyndi went to see her dad. "The rosy fingers of dawn" reached from above the mountains this morning as I left the pool. Made oatmeal for the boys. Ry gave me a big, big hug this morning. He's got baseball gear strewn all about the living room. Puts on Jack's cleats immediately out of bed, then puts on the catcher's gear. There's a YMCA program for 3-5 year olds he'll love in the spring when Jack's in little league.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the art... Kids are getting very interesting.

Monterey just had a half marathon. you might want to think about that at some future date.