Friday, September 19, 2008

Ariel's home

Ariel arrived back in New Mexico on Wednesday. The boys were very excited to see her when she came over yesterday. More energy than usual. Last week, Ry drew a portrait of his family. There was Ry surrounded by Mom, Jackson, Ariel and Dad, all with big smiles. So we went to El Pinto with Ariel last night for calabicitas burritos, huevos rancheros, and lots of beans and chips. We sat on the patio. Our waiter wasn't there the night McCain and Palin bought some chile, but he did see Hilary when she came and he liked her. Ry talked a lot with Ariel but I don't remember what. He goes along with just about anything. Jackson gave a narration to Ariel about his movie. Cyndi and Ariel talked about bicyling, and we all talked about Fairbanks, Jenni's wedding, and meeting Chris in France or Italy when he gets some R&R time. We caught up with other family. Ariel's had enough travel for the moment, so she's probably not joining us for an overnight camping trip to Abiquiu Lake, but next weekend she may join us on a trip for Dixon apples. Yeah! Good to see her. She looks great.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you can always go home!! I guess when your child is under 30 that still is okay -- I moved home again with 2 children, a husband and???? That actually worked quite well for me and company - and we even had a great storage place. So, where is Ariel keeping everything - especially her head at night. I enjoy reading all your entries and am glad you made getting comments easier - seems you are getting more response. I am enjoying hearing of the Bleicher name legacy - wow!

I hope you realize that the Presidential Debate this Friday is on the Ole Miss campus! Sarah was trying to work/volunteer but, will have to work for housing. She is hoping that Ole Miss broadcasts the evening - she is hearing rumors that the football stadium with their new "big screen" will be open and available for people to view -- that in itself would be fabulous.

As Ariel commented in one of her blogs and that was the point I was trying to make - it is amazing that intelligent people are in awe of Palin-- she sure is appearing to be the people person --- guns, deer meat, snowmachines, and family and the beehive hairdo!

Keep me informed - I'll checkin when I can - tonight is ribs, baked potato, salad and of course - wine! Lisa!

Ariel Bleicher said...

Hi Lisa,

Always good to hear your voice. A quick update (re: where's Ariel keeping everything?):

I'm staying at my mom's house (I still have a room here). I left a good amount of stuff in storage in Fairbanks (not like I had much to begin with), though I did manage to ship my bikes. I miss having them already.

Chris left for Iraq a couple weeks ago. I got an e-mail from him recently. His unit is still in Kuwait. He says there are "real live camels" hanging around his rifle range.

I have a few writing projects I'm finishing up for the Arctic Regions Supercomputing Center (in Fairbanks), then who know what's next. I'm hoping to land a magazine internship or get lucky freelancing. More likely I'd end up with a bookstore job or working again for the TOEFL guys. I'm already getting antsy to do some traveling (I'd like to visit Sarah if I can), but so far the plan is to stick around Albuquerque until December. Then I'm headed to Kauai to visit my friend Emily from college (she's tromping through the rain forest studying birds). We're going to run the Honolulu marathon then fly back to Seattle and go from there.

I'm seriously thinking of applying to graduate programs in science writing for fall 2009 (so far I've found programs I like at BU, MIT, NYU, and John's Hopkins). Also planning on meeting up with Chris in Europe (find a cozy town on the Mediterranean) long as the dollar doesn't plummet. He has a couple weeks off in late spring.

We'll be sure to watch the debates on Friday. (My mom's been volunteering at the Obama office here in town). I'd be interested to hear what Sarah has to say about the whole thing.

How's Michael doing? Does he have an address down in Benning? (I remember visiting there when Chris was training...mostly I remember the good bike trails, the terrible humidity, and the ugly city of Columbus.) I'd love to say hello.

Hope you're doing well. I saw pictures of Jenny's wedding. How beautiful! I wish I could've been there.
