Sunday, March 24, 2013

spring ball 2013

I'm downloading a big video file Jackson sent me that's less than a minute long to view. I want to see if I can attach it here. Jackson took it last fall. While it's doing that, I'll fill you in on spring baseball. Both boys are off to a good start with practices. Jackson is doing very well, and it looks like he may be a starting pitcher. He fields great and he gets his throws consistently over the plate in the strike zone. His coach is saying great things, and I really like how his team plays together. It should be a great season. Rylee may be the best player so far on his team, so the coaches have put him on first. He's pretty small for that position but he's got the glove for it. He's learning to stretch from the bag to make the catch and the out. I suspect the other players will start to catch up as the season progresses. It always happens that way. It's only the second week of practices, with about two to go before opening game day. We went out to practice a few days ago, just the boys and me. I hope to go again this afternoon with them. The boys shagged pop flies. Both are great at that; they make it look easy. And Jackson pitched while Rylee catched. We bring Ry's catcher gear to practice, but so far they really want him to get used to playing first base. When his team practices infielding, that's the position he plays. When Jack's team practices infielding, he's on the mound. Saturday's morning practices were cold and windy. That's spring here.

Okay, it's almost finished downloading. Let's try it.

Guess it won't.

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