Monday, September 15, 2008

another state fair weekend

Sunday morning was cool and breezy. After bacon and scrambled eggs, we went to the state fair. It was uncrowded. We walked directly to the petting barn, then saw the rabbits, the horses, the sheep and goats, and the cows. We toured the exhibition hall, which was mostly kitchen knives demonstrations and really, really bad junk. We stopped at the Backyard Circus, which was a terrific show. It included the children and ended with a puppet parade. We bought an Indian taco at the Indian Village just as they had the flag-raising ceremony, which was accompanied by a drummer and a singer. They boys ate a hot dog and a corn dog at the food court, next to a diving show. Rounding out the boys' state fair diet were cotton candy and cherry slurpees. Our last stop was to see Nicholas's lego entry. The crowds were entering, the day was getting hot, and the parking lot was full as we left.

Cyndi and I went to see The Women. It just opened and so it was showing in the large theater. There were many women sitting in the audience who came in twos and threes and alone. There was a grand total of 4 men in the audience. There are no men in the movie. A boy does appear near the end. Our boys stayed home with their cousin Jordyn.

Saturday morning Jackson, Rylee and I filled up the tank with gas, before the prices go up again in the wake of Hurricane Ike. We bought two sets of storage shelves for the garage. When we got home, I began moving all the stuff in the garage and assembled the shelves while the boys pulled out and rediscovered everything in the garage. Around six, the boys had moved into their bedroom to disassemble that room, leaving a yard full of lego pieces, balls, cars, trains, etc., etc., and I, now crippled, started the coals so we could have a Bleicher week-end cookout. The basic Bleicher week-end cookout, as confirmed by Lisa in one of her recent comments, is ribeyes, salad, and wine. After dinner, I retired to the garage to put away the last of the odds and ends, mostly tools, screws, nails, paint brushes, and left over materials from a smattering of repair projects.

I moaned all night.


Anonymous said...

Your going to the movie reminded me to tell you I also went this week and saw "Burn On My Death". I knew nothing about the movie except it had a basket full of big name stars (phenoms?) I didn't realize it was a comedy until half way through the movie. I just thought it was strange. It was interesting but I'm not sure I got it. I thought it was a waste of talent, but I saw it in the afternoon during the week and the theatre was empty, so I was not getting any audience feed back.

Anonymous said...

Was it "Burn After Reading"? That would have been my first choice, except it played too late that day.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was Burn After Reading. I told you I didn't know much about the movie... apparently not even the title. I have a large folder of art pieces I did early on and I always say that is my "Burn on my Death" work. I haven't painted in years now, so I suppose I could dispose of that stuff. Why is it so hard to throw useless stuff away?