Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Nana & Papa

Nana and Papa drove out from California to visit us. I don't think they cared much for the drive, but they did appreciate the accommodations. We loved seeing them, and I think they loved seeing us. As with most Bleicher getting-togethers, we spent a lot of time preparing meals, eating meals, cleaning up after meals, and waiting for the next meal. Nana brought some of her home-grown spaghetti sauce and treated us to lobster tails from Costco. (A couple of Costco adventures, but we'll save that story until Christmas.) Cyndi made her signature shrimp pasta the first night, and I grilled TriTip and sweet potato fries for a supper at the Ranch. As Rylee said, we got two papas that day.

Meals taking up a lot of the day, there was only time left for a couple of naps and a wonderful autumn day at the new Japanese Garden. Impressive.

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