Tuesday, November 20, 2007


We've been having unseasonably warm weather for several weeks now, and it's been very dry, but the national atmospheric people are saying we will have our first sub-freezing temperature Wednesday night and a chance of snow on Thanksgiving Day. Cyndi loves this time of year, and any snowfall and the wintry days forecasted into the weekend will set a holiday mood. That will assuredly translate into digging out all of the Christmas decorations this weekend. Jackson will make sure of that because he feels the holiday mood, too. And Rylee, he just gets excited about everything.

Our plan on Thanksgiving is to get up in the morning and run the Turkey Trek. It would be wonderful, I think, if there's a light snow already while we run. I love to hear the crunch of snow and the stillness in the air, and those who show up to run will be even more exuberant, all bundled up, rubbing their gloved hands together, waiting for the start.

Thanksgiving this year will be at Dorrie & Pete's. I think everyone on the Sanchez side from Albuquerque, Belen and Las Cruces should be showing up. Cyndi's already started on preparing the sweet potatoes ahead of the day and there's still more to prepare, including her signature pecan pie. I'll be contributing cranberry sauce. Cyndi and her sisters have been planning the meal for some time now, and there's still details and changes to sort out. I look forward to the wonderful meal, the opportunity to drink a glass of wine in the middle of the day and snack with no recrimination, and the triple effect of overeating, alcohol and trytophan as the afternoon settles into lolling in front of the television with the traditional, and usually sleepy, Detroit Lions game.

Ariel will be in Fairbanks with Chris, and then they will go to a nearby hot springs resort for some skiing and maybe a chance to view the northern lights or to dogsled. The temperatures in Fairbanks have been hovering in the single digits. Ariel's been exploring glacial caves, and I hope she'll forward some pictures from her trips that I can post. She's been working on some magazine articles--one is about glacial spelunking--and I hope she will get some published. Terra, I hear, is down in Anchorage and will have Thanksgiving with her family on Sandra's side, while Jennifer is circling Hawaii, and Sandra and David are moored somewhere in Florida. It sounds like the rest of the Bleichers will be together on Robley Road.

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