Monday, April 1, 2013


The boys' scrimmages on Saturday, one week before opening day, were at the same time. Jackson's coach, when asked, said Jack was scheduled to pitch the second inning. While Jackson and his team warmed up and practiced, Ry and I practiced throws to first. Then we went up to his field. I watched one inning. Ry played first base and he got a hit at bat. Not many throws made it to first that inning. Lots of hits got past the fielders and pop ups were misjudged. When a couple of grounders were hit in Ry's direction, he scooped the balls up and tagged first to make a couple of outs.

I ran over to catch Jackson pitching. He was getting a lot over the plate but he also walked a few. Several swing strikes, a couple of hits. I wondered if he'd get frustrated. This was his first full inning. He'd walk to the mound and get in his stance. The boys tried a few pick offs but there was lots of small mistakes being made all around. I knew they were better. The boys were talking to each other, giving lots of encouragement to Jack. The umpire was a young boy getting some experience, too. He was pretty good but he sure called a tight strike zone for the little league sized players. Jackson retired the inning and I watched him get on base during his at bat. Jackson said he would not be pitching again, as the coach was trying out all of the pitchers, and I left the field while Jackson was warming up the next pitcher. A good first inning of pitching to have under his belt, but of course he was slightly down on himself. Fortunately, he seemed to shake it off.

Ry's game was pretty much the same as when I left. I think there was one grounder that managed to be stopped and thrown to first. Ry got on base again, and as it was approaching 11 I thought I'd see how Jackson's was going. Ry's team was behind when I left, although there was no official score. Cyndi and I missed each other going back and forth between the games. She had just left Jack's game to see Rylee's. I watched Jackson play third. He had a nice tag out, a couple of throws to first, and was very enthusiastic in the field. Before his game ended, I saw that Cyndi had returned to the stands with Rylee. Ry's game had ended. He said their team came from behind to win. He told me about a pop fly that arched over his head, which he caught. It had to be about the only caught fly that day.

Jackson's coaches are evaluating this week to determine positions. I think Jackson will pitch a little and play a little third. We did bring Ry's catcher gear again but for now his coach wants him to play first.

Ry has some sort of cold he's been fighting off for a few days. He and Jackson got Legos, some clothes, marshmallow and chocolate candy and a movie they love on Easter morning and played some catch that afternoon with their cousins in Belen.

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