Tuesday, August 16, 2011

first day in school & a travel book

The boys' first day back in school is today. It is also Jack's birthday this Friday. They've been excited about both. Rylee did his usual countdown to today, and last night he made sure to go to bed early. They were both up early this morning, and I made them breakfast before taking off to work. Cyndi ironed their clothes, packed their lunches, and filled their backpacks with the last minute school supplies. As I write this, she is taking them to school. School is starting and ending about an hour earlier this year.

For his birthday, Jackson has asked for a small projector for months, and he understood he was not likely to get it. Last week, he valiantly came up with alternative gift ideas but I don't think he had his heart set on any of them and, frankly, a few were expensive with a one-week halflife. So, against my previous best judgment, I ordered the projector. He will be thrilled, of course. I hope he understands things will be different come Christmas. Rylee, meanwhile, is excited by the prospect that he is getting Cyndi's IPod.

The boys celebrated their last day of summer, as they called it, by going swimming with Lauren last night. Last Friday, we met their new teachers. Ry has a teacher that Jack did not have, and so he was disappointed. But she seems great, her room is great (with a huge storytime projector!), and many of his friends are in the class. So he's excited. Jack feels all grown up with his new classroom in one of the buildings detached from the main school. His teacher is also new to us and seemed great, with lots of experience. We will have a curriculum night in a week or two, so we will learn more about what they're up to this year, but I noticed there were some New Mexico history books in Jack's desk already and the teacher said they have several field trips this year, including one to El Rancho de las Golondrinas.

When we went to the school on Friday, we also put down the boys' names for cub scouts. The status of Jack's den is very uncertain; Ry would be a Tiger. There's also probably soccer, and Jack and Cyndi have been talking about Chess Club.

Meanwhile, I also talked with Ariel. She's off soon to Atlanta for an interview for an article she's working on for Discover magazine, and then she and Chris go to southern California for a couple of weddings.

I earned a free book, so I put together one on our trip. It should be arriving soon, but here's a preview. You can play from the cover, and it will page through the book, or you can click on a larger view.

Click here to view this photo book larger

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