Thursday, September 30, 2010

apple time followup

I heard Dixon's Apples ran out of champagne apples by Sunday afternoon of the first weekend, and all the apples were sold out by the following Tuesday. This, despite the word that this was a bountiful crop. Our three bags are nearly gone, too. Some went to the boys' teachers. Cyndi made a cobbler, and even that disappeared quickly.

Jackson had his reconciliation sacrament this week and another soccer practice. He's not used to running laps yet. He's doing the six times table for homework. Ry played with his classmate Jack during the soccer practice and cut his head on the playground during recess. Something to do with James. The boys got some new books from school: Lego City and Club Penguin, and Ry was perusing Jack's Boy's Life last night. Wii still played, but not a lot of time spent on it. Three-on-three basketball, fencing, and 100-pin bowling are the boys' favorites. We turned in the Comcast internet modem, too, and it remains to be seen whether the Verizon Mi-Fi is really going to work out.

Balloons take off from school tomorrow morning. Temperatures have been around 90 during the day, 60s at night. Sunny and clear, but I looked ahead for forecasts and sure enough some storms and showers, even some wind, are predicted for the upcoming Balloon Fiesta.

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