Monday, April 19, 2010


Something both boys did this weekend I wanted to report on, but this morning I don't really recall. Ry's back into wearing his baseball uniforms most of time, with frequent changes. He wore his St. Michael's crab boy shirt all weekend, too.
Ry wants to play all the time, sometimes in catcher gear (even though there's no catcher in TBall), sometimes batting, sometimes catching. He' been tossing the ball on the side of the house and catching it off the wall. One of his favorite teams is now the Cardinals, because he has a baseball card with a Cardinals player. He's also learning the names of cities (and states) who have teams.

Jackson spends time on the internet, mostly apps or or YouTube, as I reported a few days ago. He watches for Ariel to appear on Talk or Skype, and reports she hasn't been on for a week. I enjoy playing catch with him, something he didn't do a lot of until Rylee showed an interest. They even play together. We had a great game of chess. He's a very clever player and sees the board quite well.

They both had games on Saturday, and they both did well. Jackson had some good hits and played good defense. The play is much more sophisticated this year. Ry is showing some advanced talent at TBall with fielding, throwing and hitting. Based on our recent games of catch, in which he consistently catches the ball with his glove up, I'm anxious to see how he does in the next few games. The team batting cage practices are helping Jackson, and we've got to find his "magic" batting glove. We took in an Isotopes game on Saturday night, courtesy of a friend who had extra suite tickets. Sunday was a day at the pool. It felt like summer, but less crowded. Some of Jack's friends from cub scouts were there, so that was fun, too. I made some tri tips I had marinated and froze, and we watched Home Alone 3 for the nteenth time. (One of Jack's favorites.)

It rained off and on this weekend. We spent about an hour cleaning up the playground at Ry's preschool.

I got my domain fixed up so we can share a private webpage for a shared calendar, etc. and Jackson can have a place to publish web pages. I can also create email users and addresses at the domain name, and I've begun to develop that, too. (It might have had more success a couple of years ago, but we'll see where it goes.)

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