Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jackson's 7th Birthday

A New PhotoShow. Click on photo.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


First things, I have to say I intend to put together a photoshow from Jack's birthday. I'm waiting for an update from Comcast.

Jenni's wedding in Vermont is coming up, and I'm sorry we won't be making it. I wish we were, and I know Ariel is particularly saddened that she will not be there. I think Ariel and I know how important it is for all of my family to be together for each other, particularly for such important occasions and celebrations. Last I heard there were only a few who might not make it, for school or new job reasons, but by now I suspect everyone else is on their way to Vermont. Have a wonderful wedding! Congratulations to the bride and groom.

Ariel is back from her trip with Chris. I haven't had much of a chance to talk with her since. I imagine she is finishing things in Alaska, spending some time with Chris before he is deployed, and getting ready for her upcoming return to New Mexico, if only for a short while before she's off to do something else. I know she's been making inquiries.

Jackson is in first grade now. He's resumed his piano lessons, but I'm not sure he's motivated enough to practice between lessons. He had a wonderful birthday, and invited many of his old friends for a swim party at our house. We had several inflatable pools and slides set up for the kids to play in. We had snacks and hot dogs and a cupcake tree for his friends. Later in the evening, family arrived and we grilled more food and ate outdoors.

Ry is growing. In preparation for preschool (at Jack's preschool), he potty trained himself in about a week. He still baby talks but he is in high gear in his learning curve. He is very polite and agreeable. The boys took swim lessons late in the season, and Ry is excelling at his swim skills. He is already smooth and comfortable in the water. I'd like to see the boys on a swim team next summer. Ry's ready for sports, but I'm afraid he will have to wait one more year for most.

Cyndi's been taking some swim lessons, too, and she is very excited about her progress. It's as though she was never taught before now. She's bicycling more, too, along with her regular yoga sessions.

I've been watching the Democrats' convention on CSpan. It's a better way to watch. No interruptions. No commentators and pundits. No filtering.

I saw Hillary and Bill and Michelle and even John Kerry, and I was impressed. I am particularly impressed that they are taking such a high road in taking on McCain while painting him with the legacy of Bush. I think they have hit the right notes with the themes for the convention, and I wonder how the Republicans will do in their convention. I haven't been the strongest supporter of Obama, even though it's such a compelling story, but I think the Dems have it right that we cannot afford another Republican administration. I saw Joe Biden's speech, too. I don't think it had the luster of other speeches, but I have no reservations with him as the veep. I'm trying to remember which judicial hearings that he came off so shrill and overmatched by the witnesses, but I have also seen him attack issues with a straightforward honesty that is rare. All that remains of the convention now is Obama's speech.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack's 7; Ariel in the Brooks Range

Jack had a wonderful birthday morning. Happy Birthday greetings from Ry. Song. Presents. Balloons. By the time he had to leave for school, many cousins and other family and friends of Cyndi's had already called to wish him happy birthday. They're very good about that. Tonight it's tempura shrimp (Jack's new craze) and birthday cake with family. Saturday is the party day.

Ariel returned from a week backpacking in the Brooks Range with Chris. They have pics posted. Follow their link on the home page. Now they're in a cabin in the Alaskan Range.

Here's a preview.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Brooks Range

Ariel and Chris left today on a plane to go backpacking in the Brooks Range in northern Alaska. They're flying into Bettles, a town of about 40, where they'll pick up bear cans from the rangers, then hop on a bush plane (air taxi). The plane will land on a lake and then rendezvous a week later on another lake (longer, the better able to lift off). Chris' parents have a gps linkup, so they can be located, just in case.

Jack starts school on Tuesday, and Ry starts preschool a week later. They're playing in a new, inflatable pirate ship pool (end of season discount!) that we'll set up for Jack's birthday, along with another pool and a "sweet" slip and slide.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I finally finished that long blog about our trip. Lots of words for so few days. One night I couldn't sleep and mapped that blog out in my head. It's done, and the photo shows are up, too.

We were going camping this weekend, but now I think not. School starts soon, and Jackson's birthday is right around the corner.

(Shhh, he's getting the laptop he's been asking for since before Christmas. An extravagance, I think. I think this age group is the new market. The consumers are getting younger. I think it will be good for him in the long run. Poor Ry, he's happy with a little car or train or a baseball cap, and gets Jack's handmedowns in toys. Jack's already decided that both of them should get a Nintendo DS for Christmas, which is not nearly as extravagant an idea and they play appropriate games.)

Jackson is back at piano lessons, and they both finished two weeks of swimming lessons. Jack went to a casting call for a feature film last week. Cyndi's friend heard about the part and encouraged sending headshots to the casting director.

I talked with Ariel. Jennifer and Jacques were visiting her.