Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Jackson's little league season has begun. We had our first practice last Friday. It was cold and windy, and Jackson was suffering from a cold bug he had just picked up.

Yesterday, we had a pleasant dinner at home. We had just gotten the Easter decorations out of storage. We made spaghetti and sat around the table. The boys ate good, even Rylee. (Jack always eats good.)

After cleaning the kitchen, we went outside. It was sunny still, but a little bit chilly. We took our gloves and balls. Rylee put a glove on and entertained himself while Jack and I practiced fielding some grounders and then played catch. I had my new glove that I got for my birthday. (The old one just fell apart.) It was the first time we really played catch. It was fun, and Jack I could tell loved it.

Rylee adopts new toys from time to time and then takes them to bed with him. Usually, it is some kind of car. He'll hold them in each of his hands as he falls asleep, or line them up beside him. If he wakes up in the morning, or in the middle of the night, the first thing he'll look for is his cars.

Last night, he fell asleep with his left hand inside his baseball glove and his right hand grasping the baseball. When he woke up this morning, the first thing he did was put the glove back on and pick up the ball. As we went downstairs together, he explained to me how Jack turns and throws the baseball to my glove. He may be a natural.

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