Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rylee's Uniform

You may have noticed it in some of the photos, or read me writing about it before. Rylee has a little uniform he constantly wears, and it's a struggle, especially for Cyndi, to get him to ever change out of it. The first element is the T Ball shirt. This is a t shirt but also must have something on it about baseball. The original T Ball shirt is probably retired now, but for a while he wouldn't let it be washed and he insisted on wearing it to bed. To this day he won't wear pajama tops. It's now okay to wear a football T Ball shirt or a soccer T Ball shirt and lately we've convinced him to wear a golf shirt (polo shirt) or a rugby shirt. I'm sure we could also convince him to wear a NASCAR T Ball shirt if we had one. (Next to sports with balls, cars are okay.) The second element is running shoes. They were also worn to bed for a long time. Running shoes look like running shoes, but lately he's accepted his "new running shoes", which are actually clean sneakers. Ankle socks are unacceptable. Socks have to be pulled high, so they have to be at least crew socks. Color doesn't seem to be an issue with socks, and he'll wear the loudest colors. He's most comfortable in baggy shorts, but lately has agreed to wear pants in deference to the change in weather. He always wears a cap. He confiscated Jack's old Isotopes cap until it was completely tattered along the edge of the bill. Cyndi's managed to find another red or magenta cap to replace the old Isotopes cap. The cap has also been known to go to bed with him. On the brim of the baseball cap rests his blue, Thomas the Train sunglasses, ala his daddy. He has a couple more accessories: one is Jackson's spy watch, a big gangly thing that Ry will wear on his wrist. There is almost always a car in his hand. He's still at the stage where a Matchbox car is acceptable. (Jackson's eye will find the biggest box in the toy store and then we negotiate down from there, predominately using the argument, "that's a Santa gift, put it on your list"; whereas, Ry is happy with the 99 cent toy car.) Finally, there's all sorts of things to find in his pockets: rocks, cars, "ponies" (pennies or other coins), Angel coins (from Lola), and a folded up dollar bill (I don't know where those keep coming from).

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