Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a pause

Did the world stop this morning? The phones aren't ringing at all. The streets below my window look empty. At work, I am watching streaming video of the inauguration, full of inspiring pomp and glory. (Thankfully, both the cnn.com and nytimes.com live videos include no commentary, and you can hear the voices of those who are attending.) I hope Jackson is watching at his school, along with his first grade classmates. He knows that Obama will be sworn in as the new president today. He checked out a library book on the White House. (We know there is a basketball court being dusted off on the grounds.) I imagine Dad has his flag out today.

Friday, January 16, 2009

a friend

A long-time friend of Cyndi's passed away unexpectedly Saturday morning, and it was very sad for everyone. She was from Belen. She was a grade school and high school classmate of Cyndi's next older sister. Cyndi was one of four of her dearest friends, along with Cyndi's sister and two other sisters, also from Belen, and they all got together frequently for regular girls' nights out. The four were their friend's bridesmaids, after college together, and on Wednesday they were her pallbearers for the mass and the funeral in Belen. The four sought each other's consolation during the short time leading up to the rosary service on Tuesday in Belen, visiting the family, her husband, and her two sons (one finishing high school, the other in his second year in college) at their friend's home in Albuquerque and gathering photographs for a memorial. It was touching to see them holding on to each other, such close and long friends, grieving for their lost friend. Many people came to pay their respects to Gerri and her family. Many I knew from other spheres, so I thought, but were also connected to her. Many of her family and friends I had met before over the few years I have known Cyndi. Cyndi was like family, and so the boys and I were, too. It seemed strange to come together this way. No one was a stranger. People felt closer to one another. The grief passed in the course of the few days, but not altogether. Cyndi still can't believe her friend is not here. She reminded me to send our love to all of our family and friends. We love you. She especially asked me to send love to my family, whom we are able to see too infrequently. I love you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ariel's living in Portland. She's rented a house with a friend of Chris's and the sister of Em's friend. She's already started a biology class at Portland State University. She's still got her job via internet, but plans to get another job in Portland. She has some family there, too: her uncle and a cousin on her mom's side. She is commuting to school by bicycle and says there are many, many bicyclists in Portland. No definite plans on how long she will be there. I know she has some plans to visit Chris on his R&R from Iraq sometime in the Spring, and she is applying to graduate schools for next fall.

Out of curiosity, I looked at her commute a little. I'm just guessing. It looks like Portland takes bicycling very seriously. There are lots of trails. There is even protected bicycle parking. Ariel says motorists show more respect to bicyclists, and lanes are well marked and lit. It looks to me like her commute is almost 5 miles, with a straight shot through residential neighborhoods, across the river, perhaps along a waterfront park, and if she's on the waterfront a small jog, just about where there's a marina, to the PSU campus, which appears to be on the southern side of downtown Portland. Her house looks nice on Google and right next to a park.

From just the little that I've seen and heard, Portland looks like a great place to live and to visit.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Warm, sunny weather turning to snow today. Ran in the foothills on the first, with the playlist I made for Cyndi, who's in a steady workout regimen. The boys picnicked in the sunshine in the front yard over the weekend, rediscovering toys stored in the garage, while Cyndi and I took down the holiday. Ariel's in Portland; took the train from Seattle; finished her application to NYU. Jack starts to school again tomorrow. Bennie starts a new recuperation center tomorrow, too. We may head down to Belen in the snow soon to pick up Grandma so she's here when everyone moves Bennie. Jack just made himself toast, one cinnamon, one jam. He reminded me to ask Nana for more strawberry jam. He says it's the best.